
A Python 3 library for using callbacks to resume your code.

resumeback provides a utility function decorator that enables using callback-based interfaces in a single line of execution – a single function.

The source code is available on GitHub under the MIT license:


$ pip install resumeback


resumeback.send_self()’s mechanic of providing a generator function with a handle to its running instance allows for better flow control using callback-based interfaces. Essentially, it enables a single line of execution.

Following is a function that uses an asynchronous callback mechanism to signal that user input has been made:

from threading import Thread

def ask_for_user_input(question, on_done):
    def watcher():
        result = input(question)


The traditional way of using a function like ask_for_user_input would be to define a function of some way, either as a closure or using functools.partial(), so that we can preserve the state we already accumulated prior to executing said function.

For example, like so:

def main():
    arbitrary_value = 10

    def on_done(number):
        number = str(number)
        print("Result:", number * arbitrary_value)

    ask_for_user_input("Please enter a number", on_done)

Because Python does not have multi-line inline functions, this is rather awkward, since we are jumping from the function call of ask_for_user_input back to our previously defined function on_done – which is only ever going to be called once in this context.

However, using resumeback.send_self(), we can flatten our line of execution by passing a callback to resume execution in our original function:

from resumeback import send_self

def main(this):  # "this" is a reference to the created generator instance
    arbitrary_value = 10

    # Yield pauses execution until one of the generator methods is called,
    # such as `.send`, which we provide as the callback parameter.
    number = yield ask_for_user_input("Please enter a number", this.send)
    number = int(number)
    print("Result:", number * arbitrary_value)

The function decorated by send_self() will be called with the wrapper to the created generator instance as the first parameter.


The send_self() decorator can be used on methods, classmethods and staticmethods as well. For methods, they behave as you would expect. For class- or staticmethods, you must ensure that you put the method decorator above send_self().

from resumeback import send_self

class Class:
    def method(this, self):
        pass  # do things with `self`

    def clsmethod(this, cls):
        pass  # do things with `cls`


resumeback.send_self() operates on generators and their possibility of sending arbitrary data to them wherever they paused execution. Calling a generator function decorated with @resumeback.send_self results in the function receiving the created generator instance object as its first argument. The generator may then delegate its execution environment however it desires.

For this delegation, generators in Python provide four methods for interacting with them:

  1. next – to just resume execution (used as next(generator))

  2. send – to resume execution and additionally send any value to it

  3. throw – to raise an exception at the position the generator paused

  4. close – to close the generator

Note that any remaining finally blocks wrapping a paused yield will be called when the generator is deleted.

The Generator Wrapper

Instead of being called with the generator instance directly, it is wrapped in a convenience class named GeneratorWrapper.

The wrapper wraps all interacting methods and catches StopIteration exceptions, so that termination of the generator (due to returning a value or just reaching the end) does not raise an exception in the caller’s code. This can be disabled dynamically.

It further only holds a weak reference to the generator, which prevents reference cycles due to the generator not holding a reference to itself. When accessing a resuming function to provide as a callback, a strong reference for the generator is created to ensure it does not get cleaned up while it waits for that to be called. This is but an optimization. A strongly referencing wrapper is available on-demand.

Preventing Race Conditions

Because threads can be interrupted at any point in a non-atomic operation, it is possible that a generator could be attempted to be resumed before it has paused from the following yield keyword. To prevent this, the wrapper provides *_wait methods. These behave exactly like their normal counterparts with the addition of a timeout parameter and a busy poll for whether the generator is in a paused state.

However, when the provided callback to resume the generator is called immediately, it will never have had the chance to pause itself. For convenience in these situations, the wrapper object provides *_wait_async methods that spawn a separate thread to perform the polling in. The generator will then be resumed on that thread.


You can embed subgenerators into the send_self-decorated function. The returned value of the subgenerator will become the value of the yield from expression. See the Python documentation for yield expressions for more details.

When embedding functions that have been decorated with send_self() already, you can access its func attribute to obtain the wrapped generator function. Make sure to provide the wrapper as the first parameter.

def get_number(this):
    number = yield ask_for_user_input("Please enter a number", this.send)
    return number

def print_num(this):
    number = yield from get_number(this)
    return number  # allows caller to retrieve this value

def print_plus_10(this):
    number = yield from print_num.func(this)
    number += 10
    return number